LA Monthly

The National Magazine of Los Angeles

A Message from Rick Caruso

As we prepare to bid farewell to 2023, we’re thrilled to reflect on another remarkable year of community impact with the Caruso Family Foundation. Founded in 1991, the Caruso Family Foundation aims to empower underserved children and their families in Southern California with the ability to change their life’s trajectory and break the cycle of poverty.

True to this commitment, Rick continues to put our communities at the center of his family’s philanthropy — and this year was no exception! From back-to-school drives to Thanksgiving turkeys to holiday gifts with Santa, the Caruso family was honored to give back to the communities that mean so much to them.

We hope you’ll take a brief moment to reflect on this past year with us!


Giving back to our community is a core value at Caruso and for the Caruso family, and a vital part of our ongoing mission of supporting kids at or below the poverty line through access to education. This year, the Carusos joined Para Los Niños for back-to-school week!

Thanksgiving is about more than just a meal — it’s a time for unity, compassion, and service. Rick and family were honored to provide 250 holiday feasts to families in need. Beyond the food, it’s a gesture of support and reminder that every family should be seen and valued this holiday season.

Behind every product at Made by DWC (Downtown Women’s Center) is a story of transformation. The women behind this social enterprise are breaking the cycle of homelessness through job-training and employment. Rick was so proud to host them at The Grove this holiday season!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Every year, Rick and family gift toys to each child at Para Los Niños, as well as gift cards to every family so they may purchase gifts and necessities during the Holiday season. Santa attends to take photos and visit with families.

Caruso Day of Service

For the 2023 Caruso Day of Service — a company-wide day of community service — members of Team Caruso packaged and served over 15,000 pounds of goods to help combat food insecurity and homelessness; delivered over 300 bags of brand-new belongings to children rescued from situations of abuse, neglect, homelessness, or abandonment; and dedicated over 100 individual service hours to the health, welfare, and development of children within the Greater Los Angeles Area.

See more about what our Day of Service means for our community here.

And this is just a fraction of the impact — the Caruso Family Foundation also partnered with other local organizations including Operation Progress, Caring Club Calabasas, Golden Heart Ranch, Project Angel Food, and more to meet the needs of our communities. Thank you to everyone who made these efforts possible!

We hope you’ll join Rick in continuing to work toward a better Los Angeles, better communities, and better neighborhoods in the months and years ahead. Because while our city has its fair share of challenges, by working together we can make a difference and be the change we hope to see.

From all of us on Team Caruso: Happy New Year! 🎊

– Team Caruso